Vision and Mission

Vision :

Changing Lives In A Changing World

Mission :

WIT’s mission is to help women to help themselves by providing a platform for advancement and empowerment to unskilled and less privileged women. WIT provides easy access to education, vocational skills training and employment.

WIT’s Objectives
  • – To use the natural talents of girls and women who have no special skills, both in the urban and rural areas, so that they may be drawn into the national economy
  • – To help them actively with ideas and skills in voluntary as well as paid work, and to upgrade their talents so that they may become productive members of society.
  • – To institute training methods on the job, so that needy persons may be enabled to both earn and learn
  • – To assist in the marketing of products made by them so that the training and upgrading of the needy may be undertaken as far as possible on a self-supporting basis
  • – To advance any other project of general public benefit, including the welfare of women and children and the welfare and general advancement of the less advantaged classes
  • – To undertake such projects as the society may think fit with the object of improving the condition of the people of India, economically, morally, socially and culturally
Staff Welfare

WIT aims to create a learning environment which is meaningful yet challenging and capable of encouraging women to make clear and informed choices. WIT endeavours to provide on-going information on medical insurance, life insurance and saving schemes. WIT has medical practitioners who volunteer their time and expertise to attend to the women on a regular basis. Resources are extended for medicines and medical tests. Efforts are also being made to provide regular ongoing training programmes to enhance further the skills of the staff and wage workers. Regular training in all spheres will ensure that the women realize their full potential. WIT provides interest-free loans to staff with easy repayment facilities. The day care centre provides a safe and secure environment for children